Sunday, June 28, 2009

J David Moeller
The Sayings of J David Moeller
J David Moeller From Under My Hat -from the heart.

All material written, and photos, copyright by J David Moeller 2006,2009, 2010 and other years
NOTE: There is only one page for the entire post...2009/2010...
Just "keep on scrollin'" !

"The Monday hastens, it's message blurred by weekend's excess, only to be recognized on the morrow's morrow, alas too late." 8-23-09

"Reality is when all else has failed" 3-21-09

"It is not how much water is in the is why the water is there in the first place." 3-23-09

"Ah, Thursday. The weekend's tout. The day of mourning for midweek's folly. The unsung glory of the septenarial cycle. Yea, Thursday, how we blindly eschew thy majesty." 3-26-09
"Beginning is the end of the past." 3-28-09
"It is not the idea, it is the idealist." 3-29-09
"None but we know the rooms we roam, the beds in which we lie, in the houses of our mind." -3-30-09
"May the rain that falls on you be as the sun on the grasshopper. May the cricket's song remind you of the Saturdays of your life. May there be raspberries for the soul to be sweetened." 3-31-09
"We hear the pleas, assuage the fright; we are the watchers of the night." 4-7-09
"If someone is mean or rude or cruel to you, according to the Golden Rule they are doing unto you as they would you do unto them. So, accomodate them." 4-7-09
"For every ripple we roll across the lake we touch lives unseen in ways unknown. Pray before you send the stone into the waters." 4-09-09
"There never was a sunset that didn't say 'I'll see you tomorrow'". 10-05-06

"The stars in the heavens are few compared to the reasons I have for loving you." 4-10-09
"Man stands alone before his God, but he stands not alone...for God is there with him." 4-12-09
"Perhaps the wanderer knows his destination, but is taking his time getting there." 4-13-09
"If it weren't in the capacity of friends -to forgive, there would be no friends." 4-14-09

"Sometimes what we think we mean is misunderstood by others and thus the meaning is lost to even us." 4-16-09
"Would that we could all remember the good times in the rain, our friends and loved ones huddled close beneath the spreading oak of life, chanting and laughing at the thunder, rejoicing at the lightening flash." -4-9-09
"To place a smile upon the troubled face of a child is a gift to the soul." -4-22-09
"The sun smiled down on the bird who built her nest. The old friend passed. A child's toy was forgotten and the moon began to rise. Together the sun and moon found their friends." 4-23-09
"When those who thought they could find they can't is when those of us who can, should." 4-24-09
"So far away, unknown to us, our name is thought by a friend forgotten. Let us think on friends afar and make this true for them." 4-27-09
"Let us rejoice the birthdays! If there were none...we wouldn't." 4-28-09

And a reminder of your nascnecy resounds throughout the land! The horns alert! The birds refresh the air around with their beating wings and your friends rejoice in its wonder." -5-04-09

"Place your faith in a tiny ship adrift and know the sea loves you." -5-04-09
"In our children we see the perfection that we think is ourselves -as our parents saw in us- and as they will see in theirs; and all of us are wrong. Yet, still we must try, for in the striving comes perfection beyond our wildest dreams...and carries on." 5-05-09
"Stand naked in the rain with your arms upstreched to the sky. If lightening strikes you, you know you did it right." 5-06-09
"Let us now praise Monday. Bereft of weekend's folly we now sally forth to slay the dragons that are Tuesday and Wednesday." 5-11-09
"The truth is never frightening. It is the anticipation of its ramifications that unnerve us so." 5-14-09

"What did the first person to eat a chicken say when asked what it tasted like?" 6-06-09
"You matter who you are, or what your intentions, some days you're just gonna piss everybody off." 6-13-09
"Let us now walk the dogs of Summer. The cats have had their time." 06-21-09
"Prepare us now to perspire the winter from our being." 06-22-09
"One laugh soothes a thousand tears." 06-28-09
"Those baby changing stations don't work. I put my baby in one, closed it up and when I opened it was still a baby. I was hoping for a new laptop." 6-30-09
"There's something about July that is soothing to the soul. It's not so extreme as August nor as innocent as June but sturdy and resolute like the encircling arms of a devout lover. 7-01-09
"Once, in the beginning -one wonders- if God ever said, 'Ooops'". 7-05-09
"The days relentlessly, incessantly, inevitably, defiantly, indifferently arrive while we vainly, impotently, snivelingly plead their mercy." 7-7-09

Copyright 7-07-09
"Not every mistake is contemplated aforehand. Not every mistake is rermorselessly made. Not every mistake is commited sentiently. Not every mistake." 07-08-09
"You know, I just can't help thinking..." 7-13-09
"The knowledge of there being no knowledge is knowledge enough" 7-16-09
"Even what we honestly believe to be the truth, rarely, is complete." 7-16-09-
"When a friend dies and leaves a hole in the heart, it's there to let their light shine in." 7-19-09
"The trick is to also see between the blinks." 7-20-09
"The afternoon wears on. The leaves begin to droop, sated of their sunshine thirst. The workmen laze and drink their refreshment and children swim 'neath watchful eyes of harmless gossips. The breeze abates but for a moment. The mildness of the summer is not unappreciated." 7-22-09
"I like to make you laugh. I might fail. But it's from my heart to cheer you." 7-22-09
"For the artist, to be ignored is worse than death: it is the validation of his unfounded fear of never having existed." 7-22-09
"The past was is as the future is was to be." 7-23-09
"The Monday sounds are waking, strugglingly; refreshed from a week of days' respite. But one of seven, still its noise resounds faintly unlike any of theother six: more rustles of reluctance, less whisperings of rebellion. The cyclic concept begins anew while idealists yet sleep." 7-27-09

"If it weren't for Monday, Tuesday would suffer." 7-27-09
"From inside our eyes the world is peculiar to each, and never the same, even to God." 7-28-09
"And dawns the bloom of Summermorn with song and breeze and sounds of love: the sighs of lovers flowered 'neath it." 7-29-09

-AUGUST 2009-
"The ante-eve breaks o'er the rooftops and glanced clocks remain to plod their course."
"If this is neither the time nor the place...what time is it and where the hell are we?" 8-4-09
"Death: The Destination of a Lifetime" 8-05-09
"A guy asked me if I was a member of the mile high club. I told him "hundreds of times over". I used to live in Denver." 8-09-09
"If it weren't for dying, we'd all be alive today." -8-11-09
"Who would we be if everyone approved?" 8-12-09
"How much of today will be forgotten? How much remembered? And will either be of greater or lesser significance to tomorrow? What if we forget the most important of all, perhaps a strategic clue? What if we remember the question it answered?" 8-12-09
"Sometimes stupid is its own reward." 8-14-09
"If there were no longer any forested woods, bears would really make a mess in our backyards." 8-17-09
"When someone says, 'That's the best idea since sliced cheese', I wonder. It's a good idea -albeit perhaps only a notch above mediocre- sliced cheese is, but great? Is it just a way of insulting the idea, with style?" 8-20-09

"The Monday hastens, it's message blurred by weekend's excess, only to be recognized on the morrow's morrow, alas too late." 8-23-09

"It was too short, but it was so fulfilling, like a warming wine with a scrumptuous meal shared with good friends, true and close. Fare well in your journey, enjoy the path and the visions it opens up to you. Remember, you are a part of many good lives and have enriched them." 8-25-09

"Remember now the words we spoke to those less fortunate than we, how hurtful they upon their ears: derisive, cruel and teasing words. How laughs bouyed us away and left their echos on those souls whose hearts we broke for our delight, remember them. And shed now tears for they who stood and learned the razor's edge of scorn cut deep and bled their hopes of friendship's warmth. And shed now tears of shame." 8-26-09
"Bemoan not the rain. Where lies the great Sahara, there once stood majestic trees." 8-27-09

"Laughter is the greatest prayer."

"Everyday, the stairway grows a little steeper." 8-31-09

--September 2009--
"There's always something left to say. There's always an emotion. There's always something lingering beneath the surface hinting to emerge. It is not to be ignored. It will not be forgotten. There's always something left to say." 9-02-09

"It is exciting to know that when the world does, indeed, come to an end we will be able to watch it happen on live television with instant replays and slo-motion and close ups and such. I wonder if there would be any commercials. Or 'News at Eleven'. Or even Eleven." 8-24-09
"When you stop thinking about what you're thinking and start thinking about what others are thinking, you're losing ground." 9-04-09
"There comes a time in everyone's life when the wine goes off and so do the mouths."  09-07-09

"The fact one cannot think of what to say does not mean they have nothing to say" 9-16-09

"When art dies the soul's flame dims."  9-17-09

"If it weren't for Saturdays, Mondays would come a day earlier!"  9-19-09

"When one turns up their nose at humor they deny their inescapable place within it only to themselves."  9-26-09

"What if one day your parents told you they had lied and the name you've been going by all your life wasn't your real name?"  9-28-09

"I want to be your friend. I won't hit." 10-08-09

"It is the essence of our humanity to maintain our dignity and recoil from or repel the monters about us. By that essence do we survive." 10-12-09

"As gold is soft and pliant and precious and brilliant of nature, so is the heart and soul of a good woman: both to be cherished for their beauty and their timeless wonder." 10-14-09

"Look into the storyteller's eyes. There you'll see the journal." 10-21-09

"Ego is what we have left when others' overinflate around us" 10-22-09

"Rethink all your decisions regarding your friends and your enemies. Fate has a way of shaming us for them. " 11-2-09

"To hear the music of the soul, listen then to the song of the pipes."   11-06-09
"When comes the Winter to our lives, we rest assured the Spring will follow when blooms we see of former Springs remind us of the cycle."  11-08-09

"The truth of the matter is never what anyone says it is."  11-11-09

"There is no greater forgiveness than that of oneself."  11-15-09

"I know you see me. I know you know I'm there. I even know your thoughts you think no one knows, but I do. I have abilities you do not recognize while you ignore me. And you never will. But let me in, and you'll see what you've missed...and will never have yourself."   11-17-09

"It's "Adopt Someone Else's Point of View" Day"  11-22-09

"Look around. They can see you, even if you won't see them."  11-30-09

"Ah, Nostalgia. It keeps us snug and warm"   

"May your New Year be filled  with winning tickets,
on time transportation, comfortable pants and a dry nose." 12-10-09

"Some of my best friends are strangers."  12-25-09

     "Sometimes, tears just aren't enough."  12-27-09 
"The river does not regret the rock it has already passed"  12-30-09

"Each new year is like a gift from an unknown admirer: You don't know what it is or where it's coming from...just that it's a gift from a friend."   12-31-09

All material (unless credited otherwise) copyright 2010 and other years J David Moeller

"If you can't think of anything nice to say, mutter." 1-2-10

"Laughing, like breathing, is essential for our lives. It sustains us equally." 1-10-10

"Everyone's a racist on the inside. Some are just ignorant enough to prove it." 1-11-10

"When the sign says, 'No Shirt. No Shoes. No Service.', take off your pants!" 1-11-10

"We celebrate and revere the Tuesday, our day of grace from Monday's toil and tyranny." 1-12-10

"Never make a U-turn in a revolving door." 1-15-10

"What do you do if your Doctor missed what you've got on his final exam?" 1-17-10

"No matter who you think you are there are plenty of people who will vehemently disagree." 1-21-10

"Some days you drool. Some days you don't." 1-22-10

"Lactose -it makes a body intolerant. Probably why we have so much trouble in the world these days."

"Why isn't there a MacArthur Normal IQ Grant? Half the money for half the brains?" 1-26-10

"If you don't stick your foot in the water, you're not going to drown."  1-26-10

"To be heard above the din, speak softly."   1-27-10

"Remember when you had nothing to remember?" 1-28-10

"There's no such thing as a permanent goodbye."  1-30-10

"It's hard to listen when there's such a din in one's own mind."  2-1-10

"To live forever, guaranteed, always inhale one more time than you exhale." 2-4-10

"Forgetting to be compassionate in the face of desperation can lead to the restlessness of the soul."  2-06-10

"We all have our solo paths to march, though they may run parallel with other's for a time."   2-06-10

"May the dreams you dream tonight pronounce your future works." 2-06-10

"Good night and may the morrow bring you this night's dreams." 2-11-10

"There are those such as we who, no matter how hard we wish it or try, will always be a step off the track and outside the circle. And yet, perhaps, it is we who lead."  2-14-10

"Once in awhile, one finds the exact level of instant coffee in a spoonful that makes a perfect tasting cuppa joe. Mmmmm. When that happens, the world slows down and says, 'Aaaaaahhhh'." 2-17-10

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